četvrtak, 10. travnja 2014.

Franjevačka Biblija / Franciscan Bible

Franjevačka Biblija 

Publishers: Naša ognjišta, Hrvatski biblijsko društvo i Kršćanska sadašnjost



 Coming soon on   Bibleware.


petak, 4. travnja 2014.

četvrtak, 3. travnja 2014.

Ψ [psi] Part 3


Let us get inside of this extraordinary book.

Every now and then you can see silver Eros  Ψ-ing ... (holding hands in psi position)


large letters appearing ...

 on whole pages ...

 revealing secrets of human mind ...

mystic handwritings ....

 and censorship ...

 mysterious text disappearance ....

and periods of darkness.

All that in this sewn ....

quality bound ....

book that  is  unique ...

with serial number which unlocks the door of multimedial experience on official website. Book was originally written in Slovenian language and  translated in German , English and Croatian.

Only 7777 lucky people will have a chance to discover the secret of life.

Hurry and buy your copy.

As wise Gypsy said:  

Još malo pa nestalo !

subota, 15. ožujka 2014.

Ψ [psi] Part 2


Out of the box ...

the book looks ...

 even more impressive.

Full frontal nudity of embossed naked Eros on white front cover

Backward nudity on black back cover.

Black and white spine with silver Eros in the middle  ....

who looks like divided between the light ....

and the darkness ...

that reflects our personality.

All that symbolics ....

and we have not even opened the book.

To be continued....


Lost in the funhouse (Croatian Edition)

Lost in the funhouse: fiction for print, tape, live voice

by John Barth 

Translation : May Tančik , Nada Šoljan
 Published by: Informatorov biro sustav 6/2006.
236 pages, Paperback


This is the  first complete Croatian translation of John Barth's collection  " Lost in the Funhouse "

But this the the only translation of  John Barth's  works in Croatia.
So who is John Bart ? For Croatia it is unknown American author only , 
and maybe, students of American literature heard of him. 

"Izgubljen u Lunaparku"  written in 1968 is a short story collection that  are extremely self-conscious and self-reflexive and are considered to exemplify metafiction.

The book opens with "Frame-Tale"—a "story" ....

that requires preschool craftsmanship ....

to cut out the Möbius strip. A typical metafictional cry to escape .....

exhausted media of written literature ...

which Barth discusses in his essay ...

The Literature of Exhaustion .....

 that comes with the book as a booklet in which he describes the problems of literary postmodernism.


četvrtak, 13. ožujka 2014.

Book Review: Ψ [psi] Part 1

Dimensions: 23,2 x 15,4 x 6 cm 

Weight: 1920 grams 


[psi] is a unique book. From the way it was written, (author did not write it—it wrote him),  to the way it is read .

From the way was distributed (in quality plastic package) to the way it was delivered (fast, to your hands).

 The book comes with the instruction how to be read

Because it is not ordinary book. As the instruction said,
I will do  this review slowly, patiently, and relaxed.

How unusual it is up to you to discover, when you  order your copy directly from the author.

The book comes in mirror-like silver protective hard case ...

 with the embossed logo of the naked man ....

from the front ....

and back, forming the Greek letter psi with his body.

A you can see the book is already fun, full of symbols .....

and deep,  like a mirror of you soul .....

and I have not even took it out of the protective case.

Let us meditate for a while before review continues ....

In the mean time you can visit the official page of the book.
