srijeda, 29. travnja 2015.

Atlas Shrugged / Pobunjeni Atlas, Ayn Rand

Pobunjeni Atlas, Ayn Rand

Publisher : Albion Books 
Number of pages: 953
Letter: Latin
Format: 25 cm
Year: 2013.
Language: Serbian

Finally the translation for the nations who desperately need this book.
And even greater disappointment. This book is made so unprofessionally
that literally hurts while you read it.

I is heavy and quite large block of paper that it is impossible to hold in your hands.

Although it is still cheap implementation of "marginalized" literature it is still better made than publishers in English language.

Although , typography is done by idiots, the book craftsmanship is satisfactory. 

Dust jacket design is taken from Turtleback edition and that is the only thing in this book that does not suck.

Although , binding of the book looks glued, it is not.

Here is the proof of stitching.

Even if the binding is sewn it does not mean that this book is durable.
I does not even compares to the durability of some glued editions.
But it is, certainly, repairable.

Now lets back to the inside of this abomination.

 You see the problem?

Who is John Galt?  Who cares who John Galt is. I want to know who is the idiot responsible for typography of this book. Who choose the font and the layout.

This book is created by someone who does not know what is the book.
The person who have never read the book in his life.

And how, in the world, it  is possible that paper this thick  could be so transparent?


Final thoughts

This abomination does not deserve to be called a book. It is just a extremely expensive huge block of incredibly thick, incredibly transparent paper ruined by letters in unreadable font, format and size.
This piece of crap is so bad that you can not even get to criticise bad translation, and wrong names pronunciation.
